Hi there. Well I've taken a couple days. I've had some thinking to do. When I started this blog it was to keep me on track for finishing projects and maybe share a little something with others. I've talked to my husband and with the encouragement of friends and family I've made a decision. I'll be opening my own little space to sell my goodies!!
I'm a little nervous, but excited! I've been in a frenzy to make this happen starting February 1st. Quick, I know. It started when the friend of a friend suggested that I give Firehouse Antiques a call. They didn't have anything available, but took my name and number. I called around to several places just to find out what a little more about what I might be getting into. Most places already had waiting lists, which was fine, since I wasn't even sure I could handle such a venture. Then surprise, Firehouse called! They were really excited to have me because most of the vendors were pretty much the same and they like the variety. Hear that? I am variety :) I know it's only a 14x12 room in the back of a warehouse, but for me.. it HUGE. So, I'm going to do this! I'm really going to do this. Really gonna happen. Ok, now I'm just convincing myself.
I'm covered in paint. I'm tired. My house is a wreck. My sewing machine is chugging along and my basement is definitely getting smaller. But, I'm feeling ...accomplished. Next Friday my little brother and I will load up my goodies and head to market. A month from now I may come to you and say, "well, that just wasn't for me." But, I sure hope not. :)
As always, thanks for reading.
All you can do is try. If there's a smile on your face (for the most part!) then it's the right thing to do!
Yay so happy for you!!! Can't wait to visit you and your shop!!
Thank you. That's the way I'm looking at it :)
Thanks, It'll be in the back of the warehouse on the far left side! I can't wait!!! :) Thanks for reading.
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