Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Real Deal

   I thought I'd take at least one post to show you just a little of the talent my family holds.  Some created welcoming and warm homes from nothing, no Hobby Lobby, no antique malls.  They made beautiful quilts out of nothing more than scraps, hand sewed their children's Sunday best.  They made delicious meals that brought the family together at the table.  That's something to be proud of.

My Great-Grandmother is in the center in the striped dress.  Her mother made it.  She told me one time how much she loved that dress... and her mother.
Other's expressed it on paper and canvas.

 My Grandpa sketched these.  These were just doodles to him.  His paintings are phenomenal.  The ones my parents have been able to locate and buy are hanging in their den. 

My daughter painted this one when she was 14.  It was the first time she ever picked up a brush.  She's working on a goat for the dining room now. :)

My dad did the wolf as a freshman in college and the other was a Christmas present this year.  Do you know what it is?

This is a page from my son's sketch book.  His style is much more graffiti, but awesome none the less.  And for him, this takes nothing.  A teacher once called him "stupid good". lol

My cousin Stephanie took these.  She doesn't like the word "folks", but with an eye like this, I can totally overlook her word issues ;)  Take a long look at the last one... I keep waiting for the pigeons to fly in any moment.

This is such a small sampling of the legacy I'll always aspire to emulate.  I sew some fabric together, paint some furniture and call it a day.  This is real talent.  I'm honored to call these people family.

Thanks for reading

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